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Highly Compressed Cocoto Kart Racer PC Game

                Cocoto Kart Racer | PC Game | Genre: Racing | {88MB}

A game should be judged more on its own merits than how it holds up to other, similar games. But in the case of Cocoto Kart Racer, an utterly shameless rip-off of Mario Kart DS, I feel warranted to make an exception. Cocoto Kart Racer adds absolutely nothing to the kart-racing genre and makes no effort to differentiate itself from Nintendo's champion racing series. And what it does rip off, it usually does so poorly. Although the game plays okay and might even be enjoyable to someone unaware of the Mario Kart series, it offers nothing that Nintendo's game doesn't and is pretty worthless because of that.

The instruction manual gives a brief overview of the story and characters, but this information is completely missing in the game itself. Players are thrown into races without any hint of story or character info, which makes the nauseously cute characters seem pretty random and unimportant. Granted, story isn't the most important aspect in a racing game, but if you're going to bother coming up with some original characters at least give your audience a reason to care about them.

Players can race as eight different creatures, with four more unlocked through the game. Four cars can be selected for each character, although unlike in Mario Kart these are generic cars shared by everyone. The cars also don't seem to have any attribute differences, other than some of them being uglier than others. The twelve racers do have slightly different attributes but in a disaster move, this isn't mentioned anywhere in the actual game. The player will have to look in the instruction manual to find that Neruo has "great acceleration" while Baggy moves "fat and sturdy but handles the road somewhat poorly." Wait, does that last one even make sense?




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